The Gentleman's Games Table

I love that all things vintage is going through a bit of revival at the moment. There’s so many vintage fairs, flea markets and shops in the South West, it’s hard to know where to start. What a problem to have I hear you say. Yes, it’s a hard life sometimes.
I mentioned in an earlier post that I recently had a very successful day sourcing some items to refurb and pop on my new online store. Believe me, it’s not always like that, but I have to say the quality of items available these days has vastly improved to what it used to be.
I stumbled across some fabulous grain sack material in a beautiful white / natural linen colour with a blue stripe running through the middle that’s going to be perfect for two chairs I’m in the middle of refurbishing.

I also found some lovely enamel and stone wear that is still in pretty good order and would look great on a country dresser or farmhouse table.
I just love these sort of finds and can never really get my head around why someone would want to part with them. I certainly struggle to part with most things, but then I think I must be half Magpie.

One of my favourite finds of the day was a period Victorian card / occasional table hidden at the back of an old antiques yard. The mahogany frame and deeply carved cabriole legs were all in perfect shape, with the exception of some very minor wood worm holes on the feet, which to me, added to the age, charm and mystery of the piece.
One of the four castors was missing, the walnut veneer top damaged a little and the old green gaming felt had seen better days, but I was sure I could revive the old girl and make her beautiful again.
Regrettably, once I got home and inspected the table in more detail, the walnut veneer was so badly damaged I wasn’t able to save it but the table was still in great shape structurally, so I decided to remove as much as the damaged veneer as I could, sand the table top back down to a beautiful smooth finish and paint her in this wonderful Pigeon Grey chalk paint I’ve been saving for just the right piece. The missing antique castor was replaced and the heart of the table, re-felted.
Originally, the felt had been traditional ‘gaming green’, which was nice but a little ordinary. Fortunately, I have a great craft shop locally to me who sell all manner of supplies, including felt, so I decided to refurbish the table with some striking navy blue felt that I thought would complement the Pigeon Grey perfectly.
I have to say, the final result looks stunning and I’m very happy with it. The Pigeon Grey really brings out the deep intricate foliage carvings on the feet and legs, and on the centrally turning column on the waist of the table that allows you to swivel it around, transforming it into a games table.

My husband is also rather taken with what he is now calling ‘The Gentleman’s Games Table’, and keeps threatening to pinch it for his own study. It would make the perfect gentleman’s gift but we can’t possibly keep every beautiful thing we find, so I have decided to pop it on my online store.
Chic, stylish, beautiful. Period occasional table by day. Gentleman’s Games Table by night.
How very Sherlock Holmes.

Cornwall Lifestyle Blog, Cornwall Lifestyle Blogger, Relocating to Cornwall